

Hi, Everyone!

I just turned 3 on July 29th and I love being a big boy! I get ice-cream for using the potty. My favorite is vanilla with rainbow sprinkles from DQ, just like my Mommy.  I’m learning new stuff everyday. Daddy let me mow the lawn with him & he said I did a really good job. I feed the pets every morning.  I really love playing with my best buddy, Dylan a lot.  And my cousin, Brittney is really fun, too. Hope you like my webpage!


This is my cousin, Andrew (AJ). He turned one in July.

Brittney & I having fun with Uncle Scott

Lightening McQueen is my favorite

My Buddies Dylan and Ryan

Mom says I’m a ham.

My Nani & Poppi (My mom’s mom & dad)

Me and Grammy T dancing in a Mexican Restaurant

Vivian & Grandpa with my Aunt Lisa and cousins, Shane & Sierra

Uncle Rob

Bear huggin my best buddy, Dylan (4)

My Bear

Me & my buddy, Ethan in FL

Cousins Kyle, Drew, Brittney & Me with Casey the dog

Thanks for viewing my webpage! Hope you liked it!

Mom & Dad

Baby Connor

Nani teaching me how to swing